We provide training, teaching modules and inductions in digital scholarship skills including digitisation, games design and data mining. Undergraduate and postgraduates students and all UoB staff are welcome. If you have no affiliation with the university of Bristol, but would like to attend, please contact us to discuss. Please email us for dates, to be added to a waiting list or for more information.

Digital 3D part one: 3D scanning
As a group, we’ll be using hand-held structured light scanners to capture real world objects and locations. This session will not cover the editing or sharing of 3D models, once captured. These are covered in our other workshops. No student equipment/software is required.
Please note: while each part of our Digital 3D training can be attended separately, together they build to a more comprehensive experience.
Target Audience
The workshop assumes attendees have little experience with digital 3D, though more advanced students are welcome to attend. Each session will have a capacity of 12x attendees.
This is an in-person, hands-on, 2 hour workshop. Attendees do not need to bring any equipment/software, everything is supplied. Venues vary according to availability but will be within the city campus.
Further information
To be facilitated by Library Digital Scholarship team. Please contact us for dates and to be added to the waiting list.

Digital 3D part two: An introduction to 3D modelling
This session will cover basic editing of 3D models. These might be 3D scans but we’ll also explore building models from scratch using simple Boolean modelling. Please note: while each part of our Digital 3D training can be attended separately, together they build to a more comprehensive experience.
Target Audience
The workshop assumes attendees have little experience with digital 3D, though more advanced students are welcome to attend. Each session will have a capacity of 12x attendees. Undergraduate and postgraduates students are welcome. If you have no affiliation with the university of Bristol, but would like to attend, please contact us to discuss.
This is an in-person, hands-on, 2 hour workshop. Attendees to provide their own laptops. Students & UoB staff should install the freely available Autodesk Maya educational software before the session begins (available for Apple OS and Windows). Autodesk Maya requires a 3-button mouse to work correctly, these will be provided – along with adaptors for Apple users. Venues vary according to availability but will be within the city campus.
Further information
To be facilitated by Library Digital Scholarship team. Please contact us for dates and to be added to the waiting list.

Digital 3D part three: Creating a virtual exhibition
This hands-on workshop will cover the technical aspects of putting together a virtual exhibition, for viewing both in VR and in-browser. Please note: while each part of our Digital 3D training can be attended separately, together they build to a more comprehensive experience.
Target Audience
The workshop assumes attendees have little experience with digital 3D, though more advanced students are welcome to attend. Each session will have a capacity of 12x attendees. Undergraduate and postgraduates students are welcome. If you have no affiliation with the university of Bristol, but would like to attend, please contact us to discuss.
This is an in-person, hands-on, 2 hour workshop. Attendees to provide their own laptops and are encouraged to installed the freely available Unreal Engine 5 before the session (MacOS, Linux & Windows versions are available). Some laptops will be provided for attendees to use in small groups but only a limited number are available. Venues vary according to availability but will be within the city campus.
Further information
To be facilitated by Library Digital Scholarship team. Please contact us for dates and to be added to the waiting list.

An introduction to text mining with Gale Digital Scholar Lab
When performing analyses, finding, cleaning, and organising data, natural language processing (NLP) for historical texts is often a daunting task, especially when looking to generate meaningful results. Gale Digital Scholar Lab removes these barriers and streamlines the workflow process, allowing researchers to spend more time identifying previously undiscovered data, testing theories, analysing results, and gaining new insights.
Target Audience
UoB staff, undergraduate and postgraduates students.
Online facilitated session.
Further information
To be delivered by Gale and facilitated by Library Digital Scholarship team. Please contact us for dates and to be added to the waiting list.

Digitisation of archival documents
This practical workshop is intended for those who wish to learn how to digitise paper documents or images, whether for their own research or teaching, to help share content more widely or to help protect fragile originals. The session includes a practical session on how to use a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera or alternatively an inexpensive point-and-shoot camera to digitise documents. We will cover copyright & permissions, archival handling, image quality, image formats and colour correction.
Target Audience
Researchers or students using primary archival sources.
This is an in-person, hands-on, 2 hour workshop. Venue – Special Collections, Arts & Social Sciences Library.
Further information
Jointly facilitated by Library Digital Scholarship team and Special Collections. Please contact us for dates and to be added to the waiting list.

Induction: Artec scanners
2 hour, 1-to-1 or small group session on how to use our Artec hand-held scanners and the accompanying Artec Studio Software. Staff and students will need to complete this induction in order to take out our Artec scanner kits. Inductions are held at Augustine’s Court. Attendees should have their own Windows laptop, we’ll install the required software during the session.

Induction: Trimble x9 laser scanner
2 hour, 1-to-1 or small group session on how to use our Trimble scanner and the accompanying software. Staff and students will need to complete this induction in order to take out our Trimble scanner kit. Inductions are held at Augustine’s Court. Attendees should have their own Windows laptop, we’ll install the required software during the session.

Induction: Shadow motion capture system
2 hour, 1-to-1 or small group session on how to use our Shadow motion capture system and the accompanying software. Staff and students will need to complete this induction in order to take out our Shadow kit. Inductions are held at Augustine’s Court. Attendees should have their own Windows laptop, we’ll install the required software during the session.

Induction: InstaPro 360 camera
2 hour, 1-to-1 or small group session on how to use our InsatPro 360 and the accompanying software. Staff and students will need to complete this induction in order to take out our InstaPro kit. Inductions are held at Augustine’s Court. Attendees should have their own Windows laptop, we’ll install the required software during the session.