Library Digital Scholarship publications

Blandford Collection of Antiquities collection of scanned models. Shared under CC-A licence

Situating University of Bristol’s Virtual Museum in Practice. Shared under CC-BY licence

A Virtual Reality Museum Toolkit. Shared under CC-BY licence

Implementing the London Charter and CIDOC CRM when Building a Virtual Reality Environment. Shared under CC-BY licence

Virtual Reality in Higher Education Cultural Collections. Shared under CC-BY licence

The Preservation of Meaning – The Significant Properties of Our Virtual Museum. Shared under CC-BY licence

Co-production supplement to toolkit. Shared under CC-BY licence

Curation supplement to toolkit. Shared under CC-BY licence
Other resources

The University of Bristol Theatre Collection
The University of Bristol’s very own Theatre Collection is one of the world’s largest archives of British theatre history and Live Art. The Theatre Collection’s holistic approach to collecting across archives and objects, and the interconnectedness between the collections, make it an outstanding research resource. The Theatre Collection has achieved both Accredited Museum and Accredited Archive Service status, and its collections have been Designated Outstanding by the Arts Council, England.
The University of Bristol Special Collections
The Special Collections of the University of Bristol Library comprise a rich and diverse range of printed books and journals, archival resources and artefacts. Our collections support the academic work of the University and the wider scholarly community.

Public art at the University of Bristol
The public art collection at the University of Bristol includes a diverse array of artworks displayed across the university’s campuses. This collection encompasses a variety of mediums such as sculptures, paintings, and installations, and is integrated into the university’s environment to enhance the aesthetic and cultural experience for students, staff, and visitors.

Arts Faculty datasets for reuse
Our institutional research data repository, data.bris holds Arts Faculty datasets ready for reuse, often under permissive licensing arrangements.

Digital scholarship related libguides
Libguides are up-to-the-minute lists of resources, maintained by our Academic Engagement colleagues. These 3rd party resources have been purchased or leased to support University staff & students. See especially the electronic resources listed under Archaeology & Anthropology, Classics & Ancient History, History of Art, History, Liberal Art and Music.